Wednesday, August 18, 2010

About Me

For a large part of my life, I believed that music was my truest passion. It made me come alive in a way that I could hardly describe; it literally elevated my spirit and made me feel like I was walking on air. A few years later, it was writing that brought forth the same experience. As I started writing regularly, I realized what "flow" meant. I would look back at an old blog post or a piece of writing and wonder "Did I really write that? Wow!" Ever since I have begun my regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation, these experiences have become more common and now I have a better understanding of my own creative process. Earlier, I used to labor over writing an article - groping for the right words, trying to get the "flow" going, agonizing over how contrived it all sounded. And then it hit me that I just had to be ready when the writing was. And it was the same for music (I am also learning to play the violin). And cooking. I realize that it's the same energy that flows into all creative activities and processes. It is the same energy that results in an inspired piece of writing, a soulful piece of music, a delicious dessert. With my daily Sudarshan Kriya and meditation practice, the energy has been nurtured and nourished in the richest way possible and it manifests in everything I write, cook, sing, this blog post included.

Lakshmi Jagad lives in Atlanta with her husband. She is an instructor of the Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!), a program offered by the Art of Living Foundation for teenagers. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Mass Communication. She also does freelance projects in the areas of media, communication, social networking, etc.

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